Impact of ballistic evidence on criminal investigations Published Date 14-05-2018 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Morgan, Anthony Jorna, Penny Subject Evidence Investigations Technology Organised and transnational crime Peer-reviewed
Reducing crime in public housing areas through community development: An evaluation of the High Density Housing Program in the ACT Published Date 02-05-2018 Series Research Report Author(s) Morgan, Anthony Brown, Rick Coughlan, Maggie Boxall, Hayley Davy, Deanna Subject Communities Housing Evaluation Public safety Peer-reviewed
How much does prison really cost? Comparing the costs of imprisonment with community corrections Published Date 24-04-2018 Series Research Report Author(s) Morgan, Anthony Subject Corrections costs Community corrections Peer-reviewed
Drug and Alcohol intoxication and Subsequent Harm in night-time Entertainment Districts (DASHED) - Research bulletin Published Date 15-06-2017 Series NDLERF research bulletin Author(s) Mayshak, Richelle Morgan, Anthony Peacock, Amy Taylor, Nicholas Droste, Nicolas Coomber, Kerri Cox, Elise Bruno, Raimondo Miller, Peter Subject Violence Alcohol use Drug use
Drug and Alcohol intoxication and Subsequent Harm in night-time Entertainment Districts (DASHED) Published Date 15-06-2016 Series NDLERF monograph Author(s) Miller, Peter Bruno, Raimondo Morgan, Anthony Mayshak, Richelle Cox, Elise Coomber, Kerri Droste, Nicolas Taylor, Nicholas Dimitrovski, Nicolette Peacock, Amy Boxall, Hayley Voce, Isabella Subject Drug use Alcohol use Violence Licensing Intervention
Estimating the costs associated with community justice Published Date 13-11-2015 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Morgan, Anthony Brown, Rick Subject Crime costs Programs Criminal justice system Community corrections Peer-reviewed
CCTV use by local government: Findings from a national survey Published Date 15-05-2015 Series Research in practice Author(s) Hulme, Shann Morgan, Anthony Brown, Rick Subject CCTV (closed circuit television) Surveys Crime prevention
Northern Territory Safe Streets Audit Published Date 29-07-2014 Series Special reports Author(s) Morgan, Anthony Williams, Emma Renshaw, Lauren Funk, Johanna Subject Public safety Fear of crime Crime reduction Policing
Tackling property damage: A guide for local commerce groups, councils and police Published Date 01-07-2014 Series Research in practice Author(s) Morgan, Anthony Anderson, Jessica Boxall, Hayley Subject Property crime Crime prevention
Evaluating crime prevention: Lessons from large-scale community crime prevention programs Published Date 09-07-2013 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Morgan, Anthony Homel, Peter Subject Crime prevention Evaluation Peer-reviewed