CRG 02/18-19 Preventing image-based abuse in Australia: The role of bystanders Author(s) Flynn, Asher Cama, Elena Scott, Adrian Subject Sex offences
The relationship between critical development experiences during childhood and pubescence, hostility and negative evaluation and adult sexual interest in and abuse of children Author(s) McCulloch, Susan Price, John Subject Child abuse and neglect Sex offences
Careers of institutionalised serious offenders Author(s) Broadhurst, Roderic Maller, Ross Subject Homicide Sex offences
Anti-libidinal medication and men with disabilities: a long term follow-up of outcomes following third party consent Author(s) Hayes, Susan Subject Sex offences
Compare and assess the benefits of treatment programs for male child sexual offenders in correctional services against the costs of implementing such programs Author(s) Briggs, Freda Shanahan, Martin Nayda, Robyn Donato, Ron Subject Child abuse and neglect Corrections Sex offences
Evaluating prostitution law reform in Victoria: young people and prostitution Author(s) Hancock, Linda Subject Sex offences Youth justice
A comparison of the early childhood experiences of convicted child molesters and male survivors of sexual abuse who are not offenders Author(s) Briggs, Freda Subject Sex offences