The licensing and registration status of firearms used in homicide Published Date 11-05-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Mouzos, Jenny Subject Firearms Homicide Licensing Peer-reviewed
Understanding and controlling retail theft Published Date 01-05-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Nelson, Diana Perrone, Santina Subject Businesses Offenders Shoplifting Peer-reviewed
Australian corrections: main demographic characteristics of prison populations Published Date 28-04-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Carcach, Carlos Grant, Anna Subject Prisons Prisoners Comparisons Culturally and linguistically diverse Peer-reviewed
The effectiveness of legal protection in the prevention of domestic violence in the lives of young Australian women Published Date 08-03-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Young, Margrette Byles, Julie Dobson, Annette Subject Family and domestic violence Female victims Peer-reviewed
Alcohol-related social disorder and rural youth: part 2 - perpetrators Published Date 08-03-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Williams, Paul Subject Juveniles Alcohol Behaviour Rural and regional areas Peer-reviewed
The historical development of treatment for adolescent sex offenders Published Date 17-02-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Grant, Anna Subject Sex offenders Treatment Rehabilitation Juveniles Sexual assault Sexual violence Intervention Peer-reviewed
Child abuse and neglect: part 1 - redefining the issues Published Date 17-02-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) James, Marianne Subject Child abuse and neglect Family and domestic violence Risk factors Peer-reviewed
Benefit-cost analysis and crime prevention Published Date 01-02-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Chisholm, John Subject Crime prevention Cost benefit analysis Peer-reviewed
Public sector corruption and its control Published Date 02-01-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Grabosky, Peter Larmour, Peter Subject Corruption Crime costs Crime prevention White collar crime Peer-reviewed
Missing persons: incidence, issues and impacts Published Date 02-01-2000 Series Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice Author(s) Henderson, Monika Henderson, Peter Kiernan, Carol Subject Missing persons Crime costs Peer-reviewed