The children's court hearing Author(s) Challinger, Dennis Subject Criminal justice system Youth justice
CRG 50/14-15: Exploring the causes and consequences of the Australian crime decline: a comparative analysis of the criminal trajectories of two NSW birth cohorts Author(s) Payne, Jason Brown, Rick Broadhurst, Roderic Subject Criminal justice system
Children's construction of their involvement in the children's court process Author(s) O'Connor, Ian Subject Criminal justice system Youth justice
Implications of memory research for criminal law procedure Author(s) Thomson, Donald Subject Criminal justice system
The identification of small glass fragments for forensic purposes Author(s) Terry, K.W. Van Riessen, Arie Lynch, B.F. Subject Criminal justice system
Assessment of impact of changes to parole system Author(s) Morgan, Frank Subject Corrections Criminal justice system
Evaluating diversionary impact of community based corrections Subject Corrections Criminal justice system
Between the rock and another hard place: Aborigines and the criminal justice system in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia Author(s) Stafford, Christine Subject Criminal justice system Indigenous justice