Without consent: confronting adult sexual violence


This conference followed the screening of the ABC TV documentary "Without consent" which highlighted the devastating effect that sexual assault has on the lives of victims. Papers presented are divided into four sections: the background to rape; its effects on survivors; characteristics of rapists; and prevention and change.

Proceedings of a conference held 27-29 October 1992


  • Foreword
    Patricia Weiser Easteal
  • Introductory address
    Sally Brown

Part 1: Overview

  • Introduction to part 1: Overview
  • Without consent: the aims, the insights, the aftermath
    David Goldie
  • Rape and 'real rape'
    Joanne Spangaro
  • Beliefs about rape: a national survey
    Dr Patricia Weiser Easteal
  • Patterns of rape: a preliminary Queensland perspective
    Amanda Moran
  • Only a witness
    Lynette Byrnes and Susan Kendall

Part 2: The survivors

  • Introduction to part 2: The survivors
  • Survivors of sexual assault: a national survey
    Dr Patricia Weiser Easteal
  • No real harm done: sexual assault and the criminal justice system
    Donna Stuart
  • Victim reactions during rape/sexual assault: a preliminary study of the immobility response and its correlates
    Grace Galliano, Linda M. Noble, Carol Puechl and Linda A. Travis
  • Understanding women's rape experiences and fears
    Analise Poropat
  • Sexual assault and HIV/AIDS: the implications
    Esma Polkinghorne
  • Sexual assault: issues for Aboriginal women
    Carol Thomas
  • Crossing the last frontier: problems facing Aboriginal women victims of rape in central Australia
    Jane Lloyd and Nanette Rogers
  • Sexual assault: a public responsibility
    Raquel Aldunate
  • Judicial vision: rape, prostitution and the 'chaste woman'
    Jocelynne Scutt
  • Rape and the sex industry
    Keith Gilbert
  • Violence against women in the church community: Project Anna
    Anne Hall and Helen Last
  • Sexual violence against intellectually disabled victims
    Associate Professor Susan Hayes
  • Strip searches: sexual assault by the state
    Amanda George
  • Sexual assault of males
    Peter Poropat and Dr Wendell Rosevear

Part 3: About the rapist

  • Introduction to part 3: About the rapist
  • What is it about men that makes them do the things they do?
    Ronald Frey and Peter Douglas
  • Sexual offenders and pornography: a causal connection?
    Marlene Goldsmith
  • The treatment of rapists: a measure of prevention
    Denise Cull
  • Who is the rapist? A series of case studies
    Mark Crake
  • Profiling the rapist: the prediction of dangerousness
    Dr William Glaser
  • Professional responsibility for sexual violence: a study of self-interest, mythology and exculpation
    Stephen Wallace

Part 4: Prevention and change

  • Introduction to part 4: Prevention and change
  • Rape prevention: combatting the myths
    Dr Patricia Weiser Easteal
  • Preventing adult sexual assault: violence, gender and power, and the role of education
    Irene Tomaszewski
  • Talking to men in the workplace about sexual assault against women
    Bob Pease and J. Carlos Velazquez
  • Rape, resistance and women's rights of self-defence
    Dr Gail Reekie and Professor Paul Wilson
  • Towards changing procedures and attitudes in sexual assault cases
    Melanie Heenan and Helen McKelvie
  • Legislating to change social attitudes: the significance of Section 37(a) of the Victorian Crimes Act 1958
    Bernadette McSherry
  • Sexual offence intelligence: proactive approaches for police
    Dr John W. Scheffer
  • Sexual assault: the police investigation perspective
    Detective Inspector Dannye Moloney
  • Without consent: confronting adult sexual violence, Melbourne, 27-29 October 1992: recommendations of the conference