Estimating the costs of serious and organised crime in Australia, 2022–23

Outline of map of Australia with faded out person in background

This report estimates the cost of serious and organised crime in Australia in 2022–23 to be between $30.4b and $68.7b. This is the fourth in a series of reports undertaken for the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission estimating the cost of serious and organised crime. It updates and improves on the methodology used in the previous report, which estimated the cost of serious and organised crime in 2020–21 to be between $24.8b and $60.1b. As with the previous research, this report considers the direct and consequential costs of serious and organised crime in Australia, as well as the costs to government entities, businesses and individuals associated with preventing and responding to serious and organised crime. The current estimate includes the cost of some additional crime types, not previously included, but even accounting for these additions it is clear that serious and organised crime continues to impose a substantial burden on the Australian economy.


URLs correct at November 2024

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  • Acknowledgements
  • Acronyms and abbreviations
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Direct serious and organised crime costs
    • Illicit drug activity
    • Serious and organised financial crime
    • Crimes against the person
    • Illicit commodities
    • Pure cybercrime
    • Serious and organised crime enabling costs
  • Consequential organised crime costs
  • Indirect costs of preventing and responding to serious and organised crime
    • Public sector costs
    • Private sector and other costs
    • Summary of indirect prevention and response costs
  • Conclusion and summary
  • References