National review of child sexual abuse and sexual assault legislation in Australia

Blindfolded lady holding scales of justice next to gavel and notebook

This is the Australian Institute of Criminology’s national review of child sexual abuse and sexual assault legislation. The Australian Attorney-General’s Department commissioned this review to support implementation of the Standing Council of Attorneys-General Work Plan to Strengthen Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Assault 2022–2027, which emphasises the importance of strengthening legal frameworks where required to ensure victims and survivors have improved justice outcomes and protections.

The review includes an analysis of Commonwealth, state and territory legislation, a review of national and international research, reviews and inquiries, and consultations with victims and survivors and expert stakeholders. It explores any gaps and inconsistencies in the legislative landscape and their implications for victims and survivors who have contact with the criminal justice system. It also investigates the barriers and challenges to achieving greater consistency in legislation. 


URLs correct as at September 2023

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  • Acknowledgements
    • Disclaimer
  • Content note
  • Acronyms and abbreviations
  • Defined terms
    • A note on terminology
  • Executive summary
    • Background and aims
    • Approach
    • Findings
  • Introduction
    • Background and aims
    • Approach
  • Literature review
    • Introduction
    • Historical context
    • Recent developments
    • Previous legislative reviews
    • International practices on issues specific to sexual violence and abuse offences
    • Summary
  • Legislative analysis
    • Introduction
    • Consent
    • Conduct
    • Aggravating and other specific circumstances
    • Defences and excuses
    • Summary