Research evaluating restorative justice programs for domestic and family violence and sexual violence is limited in Australia and internationally. In 2019 the AIC was commissioned to evaluate the Australian Capital Territory’s Restorative Justice Scheme for domestic and family violence and sexual violence (‘Phase Three’).
The evaluation examined the process and outcomes of Phase Three, including barriers to delivery, activities delivered and outcomes associated with participation. A range of data was examined, including interviews with participants (n=16) and stakeholders (n=47), analysis of post-conference surveys (n=28) and analysis of administrative and reoffending data.
The evaluation demonstrated Phase Three is working effectively overall. Participants and stakeholders report high levels of satisfaction with Phase Three and the service they received. There was evidence that victim-survivors could meet a range of justice needs with varying levels of offender participation and accountability. Some areas for improving referrals were identified.
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- Acknowledgements
- Acronyms
- Abstract
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Methods
- The design and implementation of Phase Three
- Referrals to Phase Three
- Pre-conference processes
- Conferences
- Post-conference processes
- The impact of Phase Three
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Recommendations
- References
- Appendix A: Evaluation framework
- Appendix B: Interview schedule for person harmed
- Appendix C: Interview schedule for person responsible
- Appendix D: Interview schedule for stakeholders