This collection of papers focus on the changing role of paralegals in the community and in the legal profession. Issues such as training and accreditation for paralegals, the response of the legal profession, and types of paralegal work are discussed. The debate over the need for increased community access to the legal system, and the role of the paralegal in facilitating this access are examined.
Proceedings of a conference held 19-20 February 1990
- Opening address
Chris Sumner - Professions and paraprofessionals
John Goldring - The senate inquiry into the high cost of justice: 'the money or the gun!'
Chris Schacht - Paralegals - in the community's interest?
Mary Anne Noone - A view from the legal profession
Daniel Brezniak - Appearing in court
Nick Manos - Paralegals in law firms
Charles Dickeson - Law clerks and the government sector
Kym Kelly - Legal casework and the private profession: current use in private practice
Claire Luckett - Paralegals - what is their use?
Linda Matthews - Financial counsellors and the legal system
Denis Nelthorpe - Paralegals in legal aid
Susan Churchman - The paralegal police prosecuter - for how long?
John Murray - The New South Wales police prosecuter
Ken Drew - Legal training for non-lawyers
Helen Gamble - Training Aboriginal field workers
David Williams and Sydney Sparrow - Does use dictate?
Beverley Vaughan - Paralegals - issues in accreditation
Jude Wallace - Professions competing in the market place
Allan Asher - Paralegals and making access to justice effective
Francis Regan