This publication was the official journal of the Australian Institute of Criminology.
Vol. 1 No. 1 1989 - Vol. 7 No. 3 1996
The following documents are available only in PDF format.
- A judge for all seasons
- Turning the page: reconsidering the police
- News
- DataBank - the figures that count
- Violence the target
- And the band played on
- Books
- Conferences
Volume 7 Number 2 : Summer 1995
- Alcohol and violence - looking for a link
- News
- Turning the page: fearing for a town
- DataBank - the figures that count
- A Magna Carta for victims?
- Books ...
- Crime - a community fights back
- Institute researches violence against women
- Whistlestop tour for director
- Conferences
Volume 7 Number 1 : Spring 1995
- Heroin trial - yes or no?
- The gun and suicide
- Turning the page - Adam Graycar
- News - people in crime prevention
- DataBank - the figures that count
- Crime in Australia - Justice Michael Kirby
- Conferences
- Books ....
- Criminology Research Council
- Police accountability in a multicultural society
- Interpreters: the quiet achievers
- The compromised "conduit": conflicting perceptions of legal interpreters
- Issues of access and equity: barriers to reform
- The legal system's treatment of NESB women victims of male violence
- Crimes against business: an overview
- Feeling good at work: an antidote to workplace crime
- Service pages
Volume 6 Number 3 : February 1995
- Editorial
- Crime impact vs. victim impact: evaluation of victim impact statements in South Australia
- Customer service: a high priority for Victoria Police
- Predicting the inmate population: an example from New South Wales
- Queensland Police education policy development (1989-1993): the untold story
- Social control and the violation of human rights: the relationship between sociological variables and serial murder
- Service pages
Volume 6 Number 2 : November 1994
- Hatred, murder & male honour: gay homicides and the "homosexual panic defence"
- The WORC ethic: offenders working in rural communities Western Outreach Camp
- "Country town policing" in the Australian Capital Territory
- Battered women and duress
- Victims of efficiency? Restoring "lost" victim information in the summary court
- The rehabilitation of prisoners as an aspect of crime prevention
- Police codes of ethics in Australia
- Changes at the Australian Institute of Criminology
- Service pages
Volume 6 Number 1 : August 1994
- A blueprint for the future of the police
- School children's peer relations and wife abuse
- The over-representation of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people in prison
- Violence in schools
- Violence in sport
- The last hanging in Tasmania
- Service pages
Volume 5 Number 4 : April/May1994
- Correctional reform in Queensland: at the Cross Roads post-Kennedy
- Violence against Aboriginal women
- Juvenile justice in South Australia - an update
- Mandatory reporting laws: adolescents and their right to be heard
- Policing excellence or political hot box for the Queensland Police Service?
- Crimes against business: the future role for police?
- Asian & Pacific Conference of Correctional Administrators
- 8th International Symposium on Victimology
- Service pages
Volume 5 Number 3 : January/February 1994
- Listen to us: Aboriginal women and the white law
- Learning from police work: a conceptual model for integrating evaluation into operational policing
- Why do parents kill their children?
- Youth and community combined action: a new approach to juvenile crime
- Changing targets? Queensland's approach to crime prevention revisited
- User-friendly prisoner forecasting
- Inmates pages
- Service pages
Volume 5 Number 2 : October/November 1993
- Internal security in Papua New Guinea
- The police culture: overcoming barriers
- The administration of justice
- Youth at risk
- Alternatives to imprisonment for female offenders
- Inmates pages
- Service pages
Volume 5 Number 1 : July/August 1993
- Children of God: harbingers of another (child law) reformation?
- "Going off the rails": a profile of serious and repeat juvenile offenders and policy responses in Western Australia
- Program evaluation for Australian police and law enforcement agencies
- Dangerous places
- Evaluation of the enforcement of Australian anti-trafficking legislation
- Perspectives on justice
- Letters to the editor
- Inmates' pages
- Publications
- Conferences
- News
Volume 4 Number 4 : April/May 1993
- Violence in South Africa
- Juvenile Justice - Police practices and juvenile crime: the case of Western Australia
- Juvenile Justice - Policy or orthodoxy? Queensland's response to juvenile crime
- Law Enforcement Access Network
- Regional Heads of Prisons Meeting
- Child abuse agency
- Inmates' pages
- Service pages
Volume 4 Number 3 : January/February 1993
- Community policing in Papua New Guinea
- The sale of insurance at Aboriginal communities
- Understanding Aboriginal voices
- Environmental Defenders' Offices
- Law and the environment
- Crimes against businesses
- Victimless crimes and crimeless victims
- HIV in Queensland prisons
- Service pages
Volume 4 Number 2 : October/November 1992
- Urban crime in Thai society
- Women on the gallows in Victoria 1856-75
- Coping with complexity
- Is a trial heroin treatment program in the ACT feasible?
- The cost of crime
- They take them away
- Recommendations from Aboriginal Justice Issues Conference
- Service pages
Volume 4 Number 1 : July/August 1992
- Juvenile justice in Victoria
- Juvenile justice in Queensland
- Juvenile justice in South Australia
- Juvenile justice in Tasmania
- Juvenile justice in Western Australia
- Juvenile justice in the Northern Territory
- Juvenile justice in New South Wales
- "Send for legal aid"
- Service pages
Volume 3 Number 4 : April/May 1992
- Los Angeles and the pathologies of criminal justice?
- Impressions of Papua New Guinea
- Gender inequity in Australian courts
- Lateral thinking in crime prevention
- Rape and the sex industry
- Client perceptions of community based corrections
- May I shake you by the throat?
- Ugandan Assignment
- Service pages
Volume 3 Number 3 : January/February 1992
- Victims of violence and the mass media
- A national gun control strategy
- Violence against women: the challenge to change society
- The Land and Environment Court
- Corporate Crime Group
- Homicides and the death penalty
- Service pages
Volume 3 Number 2 : September/October 1991
- The 11th Asian and Pacific Conference of Correctional Administrators
- Opening address
- Statistics, research and development in corrections
- Prison education, training and work
- Discipline and grievance procedures
- Prison and the community
- Service pages
Volume 3 Number 1 : June/July 1991
- Crime in Indonesia
- Controlling violent crime
- The prevention of child exploitation and abuse
- Invisible victims in Indonesia
- Corporate crimes in east and west: in search of 'collusion'
- Crime and victimisation of the elderly in Japan
- Legal consciousness
- Religious violence: an international reflection
- Service pages
Volume 2 Number 4 : April/May 1991
- Capital punishment: an historical perspective
- Victimology: the United Kingdom experience applied in Murray Bridge
- Deaths in custody: the nature and scope of the problem
- Community policing: implications for Queensland
- Police culture and stress
- Privacy Act in operation: some issues relevant to fraud control
- Negotiating justice in the Children's Court
- Service pages
Volume 2 Number 3 : January/February 1991
- Citizens and corruption
- HIV / AIDS and prisons
- Communique
- A legitimate concern
- Compulsory testing and integration
- Community policing
- The international view
- Implementation and the TRG
- Service pages
Volume 2 Number 2 : October/November 1990
- Violence in the Northern Territory
- 'Protecting the community'— Prostitutes and public health legislation in the age of AIDS
- Why the relationship between police and politics should be codified in Australia
- The community solves its own crime problem — Development of the Safety House project
- Nature of illegal offences committed by Asians and Pacific Islanders in Brisbane
- Corrections in the nineties
- Havana assignment
- Youth crime policy forum
- Legal textbases on CD-ROM
- Service pages
Volume 2 Number 1 : July/August 1990
- Limited by guarantee: limited to what? Guaranteed by whom?
- Evaluating the committal
- Counting rapes: reporting and recording practices in Western Australia
- Can paralegals improve access to justice?
- Infanticide and feminist criminology
- The NSW view of committals
- Neglected to death
- Lives unlived: youth suicide in Australia
- Criminology courses in NSW
- Crime prevention in Telecom
- Queensland Criminal Justice Commission - Research
- Service pages
Volume 1 Number 4 : April/May 1990
- Governor-General: change attitudes
- After a violent robbery ...
- Research into racist violence
- Police powers and control of violence
- Violent offenders in overseas prisons
- Primary prevention of violence: the 1989 Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix
- Why should we be surprised when wife-bashers change?
- Examining existing drugs policies: the 1988 UN Convention - help or hindrance
- Delinquency in India
- Indonesian criminology
- Service pages
Volume 1 Number 3 : January/February 1990
- Insider trading research and law reform in Australia
- Write on
- Questionable assumptions in juvenile justice
- How the family can help the juvenile offender
- Examining existing drugs policies
- Corrections in our region
- Aspects of the Fitzgerald report
- Fitzgerald: a report without findings
- Fitzgerald: judicial culture and the investigation of corruption
- Profile: Hans Joachim Schneider
- Service pages
Volume 1 Number 2 : September/October 1989
- Feminist criminology: a new direction
- Write on
- Young Vietnamese offenders
- UN environmental crimes proposal
- Concerned rocker, or, Oil on troubled waters
- Low-crime landscape
- Trends in imprisonment in Australia in the 1980s
- Back end or front end, there's no place like home
- Higher education courses in crime and social response in Victoria
- Service pages
Volume 1 Number 1 : June/July1989
- The rascal gangs of Port Moresby
- Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
- ICAC: a critique
- Australian prison trends
- Violence under scrutiny
- New head of DPP
- 'God, guns and guts'
- Teaching criminology in South Australia
- NAPCAN: prevention of child abuse
- Service pages