Recognition and intervention strategies among criminogenic runaway and homeless youth

CRG Report Number

Criminology Research Council grant ; (21/82)

A total of 36 extensive case histories were collected from young people who had been involved in serious criminal activity, alcohol and drug abuse, male and female prostitution and from those who had attempted suicide. The age range was from 14 years to 18 years of age, with equal numbers of male and female participants. Placement in one of the ascribed groups was dependent on agency-identification of the particular set of behaviours ascribed to that group. Discussions were held in conjunction with the detailed collection of the case histories. The results yielded extensive analysis of the development, maintenance and consequences of participation in these activities and the young participants provided their own recommendations for changes to the criminal justice system and for treatment procedures for themselves and others. This study has provided invaluable data on the thoughts and actions of 'alienated' youth in Australia. Specific recommendations included youth-run halfway houses, therapeutic communities for severely alienated young people, and special programs for alcohol and drug dependent young people.